Firstly, I would like to thank Rupert on his outstanding performance on getting a tenant for my property. I had given my property to an external company, where I did not receive the same quality of work, like I did from Rupert from Wallace & Stratton. When Rupert found out about my situation, I know he gave up his Sunday, on his own time to start liaising with me and how he can help me find a tenant. I did not have to chase up Rupert on anything, he kept me informed on everything, before I get a chance to ask him. I knew he was busy, and had million other things to sort out, but he took out his time to sort out my rental property. He treated my property like his own, and showed respect. Within few days he had a tenant in the house. Currently I’m moving to Sydney, but it gives me assurance that I have left the property in good hands.

Thank you Rupert for your amazing work, and helping me get through the rough time.